01 May Miracles can happen
Miracles can happen I believe in miracles. I believe anything is possible if you believe. I believe that if you put it out there, work hard, and have faith, it will be done...
Miracles can happen I believe in miracles. I believe anything is possible if you believe. I believe that if you put it out there, work hard, and have faith, it will be done...
How to hear God's voiceWe need to know how to listen to God. In the last 9 years, every day, I have been in a constant state of grace and gratefulness. I gave it all over to God 11 years...
Letting life get to youI remember one day while I was at work, one of my guys from the back came in complaining of clients and factory delays. He was so upset and was just really letting it get to...
I walked on fire6 years ago today I walked on fire. Yes, you read that right, I literally walked on burning hot coals for 10 feet. It all started because I was in a horrible place in my life, in...
Growth and mourning Everyone talks about the beauty of growth. Yet the world shies away from the uncomfortable truth of mourning one's past self, relationships, routines, and conditions.No, Some things will never be the same but that is the blessing.Most...
The incredible gift of friendshipI say all the time that I am blessed with wonderful friends. I feel that one person shouldn't have this many friends and yet I do. I have had friends I've known since I was 5...
Our forefathers taught us loveIn keeping with this week's theme of love I want to talk about remembering these words our forefathers wrote many years ago."We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they...
Knowing who, when, why, and howYou are only given an allotted amount of time on earth.We all have our journey and not all paths lead to a successful life. We all have to make decisions every day but not all...
Remembering my big moveI remember the big day that I finally moved out and bought my own home, eight years ago. It had finally come after months of getting financed, all the paperwork, and holding my breath. After weeks of...
Take your eyes off people.So many people are out here looking towards others for likes, and validation.You're thinking that your wellness is coming from other people, that what they say matters to your life.But God says to look to him...