09 Dec Making the effort in dating
Make an effort in dating I love that saying "Be with someone who would drive 3 hours just to see you for 1"To me that says it all, that is someone who is making an effort and at this point...
Make an effort in dating I love that saying "Be with someone who would drive 3 hours just to see you for 1"To me that says it all, that is someone who is making an effort and at this point...
Dating and texting in today's world Okay, I grew up in another generation, so dating was completely different. We talked to each other. I can remember speaking to my high school sweetheart for hours on the phone even falling...
Making mistakes in our youth So while watching this new Netflix documentary called High: Confessions of an Ibiza Drug Mule.Which was about Michaella McCollum who was arrested for smuggling cocaine.Michaella McCollum offers a first-hand account of her shocking journey through...
Count your blessings not your bitternessLife should be an incredible journey, it is way too short and it should be enjoyed to the fullest. I've learned this the hard way, wasting too many years being unhappy and losing too many...
Do what you have to until you can do what you want toI love this because most people hate what they do and wish that they could be doing something else. I know as much as I love my business,...
The dishes can waitSo last weekend I had friends come in from out of town. After an eventful 3 days I thought okay, I am going to clean the house and relax on the couch all day on Sunday. But...
What were you grateful for?So this was a long weekend that started off with Thanksgiving and for many, they were thankful only for the long weekend.But seriously, in these last few horrible years what are you grateful for? I know...
Why must we have a day to be thankful?This week, the week before Thanksgiving I am writing a series of blogs about being grateful.If you follow me you know I am not a believer in "days" to do certain things...
It's not happening to you but for youSometimes I love Facebook remember when, especially since I can't remember crap. It reminds me of all the hard times I went through in the past. All the times that I cried out,...
Overcoming your fearsMaybe it's because I have had so many losses in my life or maybe it's because I grew up living with my miserable, negative grandmother or that I was in a verbally abusive marriage for 24 years but...