21 Jul Pray away the gay
Pray away the gay
So I watched this documentary on Netflix the other night called Pray away. It showed how churches all across the United States were introducing programs to help you pray away the gay.
These churches preach the word of damation, and of burning in hell because you were gay. They have these programs that are not run by therapist or professionals to teach you how not to be gay.
Now working in the hair field for years I have lots of gay friends, hell my best friend is gay. Talking with so many people from the LGBTQ community I’ve realized that you are born this way, it doesn’t rub off from someone else. This is something most people knew from when they were little. In this documentary all of these people knew it too but wanted to fit in. They wanted to be “normal ”
They believed that they would go to hell because of who they loved or were attracted to.
They spent years, praying the gay away but of course that never happened. Even after they married the opposite sex and had children they still had these feelings. They eventually realized that this is who they are, who God, the universe or whatever you believe in, made them to be. They all came to realize that true happiness is being your true self. Accepting who you are, whether or not anyone else will.
For me, it’s always been about that, as it is not my place to judge someone else’s lifestyle, who am I? Have I not done things that might be deemed sinful? Of course, read my book!
So I will not throw stones because my “sin” is different from others.
We are here to love one another, period. What you do in your life is between you and whatever you believe in. I cannot and will not try to be judge and jury in your life.
Many religions pick and choose what they want to hear out of the Bible. Doesn’t it also say love one another 364 times? What about he who has no sin? Judge not for you will be judged? Did they forget these verses and so many others that talk about love and judgment yet here we are in the 21st century still doing it, still thinking we are holier than others.
I learned through watching this documentary that approximately 700,000 people have gone through a form of conversation therapy in the US alone.
And that a national survey found that the LGBTQ youth who experienced conversion therapy were more than twice as likely to attempt suicide. Why is this still allowed? So the church wants you to change so bad that either you will or you’ll kill yourself? Is that the answer?
So today my friends remember we are not here to judge, we are here to love. And no matter how how someone tries they will never pray the gay away so just accept them for who they are and allow them to be who they are called to be.
“Be the change you want to see”