01 Aug He who has no sin cast the first stone
He who has no sin, cast the first stone
I remember when a very dear friend of mine got into some trouble and coming from a small town everyone had started talking crap about it and him.
People that didn’t even know him were talking crap about him! Really? Why do people do that? Do you know him? Do you know what kind of man he truly is? Do you know how kind he is?
No, most haters don’t know anything about the person they are hating on. They just have their opinions and feel the need to tell it to you and the world.
They have to put their two cents in and jump on the bandwagon with the other idiots who can’t help it or have nothing better to do than trash people.
Even when things seem a certain way, you have NO IDEA what the truth is because you were not there! But yet you’re still talking shit? Really? Is it because you yourself have never done anything wrong? That you never made a stupid mistake? Really, are you that perfect? Is there nothing in your past that you are ashamed of or regret?
The bible says “He who has no sins, cast the first stone” It is clearly obvious that most people must think that they have no sin, because they are so fast to throw stones at others.
I remember being mad and sticking up for him. I asked them if they knew him and what kind of man he was?
No, they knew nothing about how kind he is. How he would give the shirt off his back for a friend in need or help a neighbor out. That he had raised his kids on his own or that he would stop his day to talk to or help someone in need. They didn’t know that he has the biggest, kindest heart of anyone I know. They knew none of this, yet they still condemned him.
This was a man that I have known for the last thirty plus years, who had put his family first and has had the same friends for just as long as I can remember. He is a hard working, kind man and yet so many wanted to crucified him without knowing all the details.
See I know all these things because I know him. I know he was there for me at the lowest point in my life. He gave me the courage and confidence to go on. I could speak of his character because I know that he was always there for me with a kind word, an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on.
It was this man that they were trashing, this man that saved my life, literally.
I would have never just sat here quietly while others trash him because they knew NOTHING of who he truly is.
This is what is wrong with the world today. That is what is wrong with social media and the “Cancel Culture”
You are so quick to throw stones, not knowing the full stories or even knowing the actual person. You condemn them, tear into them as if you yourself were so great and perfect. You don’t seem to realize that words hurt, that you could be the cause of that person taking their life.
So today my friends remember, until each and everyone of you has walked in someone else’s shoes and can honestly say you are without sin, then don’t say a word.
Remember, this could be you or your loved one that they are speaking so unkind about. We have all made mistakes, we are all human but let us not forget “There before the grace of God goes I”
Meaning we all could or have been there.
“Be the change you want to see”