03 Aug The steps to change
The steps to change
Everyone has had things that have happened to them in their lives, great things, or even horrible things but it is how we deal with these things that matter.
It is funny, recently I found some old journals and I re-read them (Yes, more stories for another New York Times bestseller book) As I was reading them I realized that even through my darkest days, I never stopped praying. I realized that I never stopped dreaming of more. I never stopped believing that my times were going to change, or that my dreams were going to come true.
Even as I cried every night when I went to sleep, even crying while I was writing it, as my heart was breaking, I could see the sun, I still believed it would get better. Now that is faith, that is believing in God, even when I couldn’t see him. I knew he was there and I knew he would take care of me.
Even now when the world seems to have lost its mind when people seem to have more hatred and less compassion. Even while so many of us are losing our jobs, our businesses, our homes and we can’t pay our bills. It seems so dark and so tough to go on, but it is then we must hold on to faith. Even if it is just a tiny mustard seed size of faith, even that will get you through.
But if you need more, here are my 6 ways to go through things and come out on the other side.
1- You have to have faith.
Faith that anything is possible, even faith the size of a mustard seed will get you through.
2- You have to have a goal or a dream.
Without a dream you are dead! Even when they seem impossible, keep dreaming, and while you’re at it, why not dream big.
3- You must be willing to work hard to achieve it.
We all know that faith without work is dead, and anything worth getting is going to take work.
4-You need to get away from the naysayers and the haters.
They are worthless on your journey, that’s why they are where they are and you are where you are, you need to cut them loose. And stop listening to that voice inside your own head which can be worse than anyone else’s voice. Speak words of encouragement over yourself and others.
5- Don’t be afraid of change.
Fear can keep us stuck in places for years. I am here to tell you that change can be wonderful, it can be exciting and sometimes so much better than you ever dreamed.
Believe, believe, believe!
Even when it seems humanly impossible, even when your dreams seem too big, believe that God can do miracles. He’s done it before and he can do it again.
These are the steps I took to change my life around. This is what I did and now I am no longer afraid of change, because things have turned out greater than I could ever have imagined. I have found peace and joy, I have found my true self during this journey. I realized my strength and my power inside of me.
So today my friends, why don’t you try my 6 simple steps, what have you got to lose? It has to be better than the place you’re at now? A place of fear, of self-doubt, of self-loathing. A place where you feel like you’re drowning and of little hope, I know I’ve been there. So try these steps and change your life, do it today, and as I say at the end of every blog
“Be the change you want to see