16 Aug Feeling good about yourself
Feeling good about yourself
So I started reading the book The law of attraction, simplified and I have always been a big believer in what you put out there, you get back. This book goes beyond the principles of the original book. It says the bottom line why so many people cannot manifest things is that they don’t feel good about themselves.
I know that for me that is the most important thing in my life. My grandmother scared me for life with her negatively, her hatred and bitterness. I swore since I was a little girl that I would never be like her. And so I am always positive, I am grateful, I am thankful for my life as it is now.
Even this weekend as I was on the way to the beach driving with my windows and sunroof open, listening to my favorite music..loud, I started to cry. I was so overcome with gratitude.
I was thanking God for this amazing life I have. I am so happy with my life.
No, it may not be perfect and yes, at times it is really hard but I can still see the good, and the positive. I can still love in spite of being hurt. I can still inspire others even when I am still trying to learn my own lessons from past hurts.
So many people are angry and bitter. They are hurt and cannot heal so they hurt others. They cannot forgive so they hold on to that anger that is only killing them. They forget that forgiveness is for you, not the other person. That you must stop with the mentality that you’re drinking poison hoping the other person will die.
We are so worried about what others have or look like that we can’t appreciate what we have. Life is not about money or what we have, it’s about laughter, lessons, giving and being grateful for whatever space you’re in, right now.
So today my friends remember, it’s all up to you. It is your choice, to choose to be happy, positive and enjoy your life to the fullest.
You can manifest anything you choose but first you must choose… to be the change you want to see.