08 Nov Vote today!
Vote today!
We all need to vote today!
If you don’t vote you don’t get to complain about your country, period.
Like I always say in this blog, be the change you want to see, if you want change you have to be the change.
You can’t bitch about the country and what’s going on if you don’t participate. We all can be the change, one person can make a difference, if you don’t believe me look at history, Rosa Parks was one person who stood up and said I will no longer sit on the back of the bus. She made change happen, she wasn’t afraid, she didn’t care if it was only her voice speaking out, she was determined to make a change and she did.
Martin Luther King was one man who said enough is enough. Even through beatings, and death threats, he still spoke out for change.
If you don’t like what’s going on, vote out the people who aren’t helping you. Write and call your congressman, your representatives, speak out, protest, hell, run for office to make a difference but don’t just run your mouth without doing something.
Women’s rights are on the line, LGBTQ community rights are on the line, black rights are on the line, we need to come together and let our voices be heard and the best way is through voting!
We are headed back to the 50’s. They want Women’s rights taken away, they want the LGBTQ community back in the closet and they are definitely bringing out their white sheets, loud and proud to silence the black community.
Is this the America you want to live in? We didn’t make America great again, we made America hate again!
We have come so far and yet they want to repress our voices and our rights. We must vote, we must speak out! This is no time to think your one vote won’t count, because every single vote counts!
So today my friends, go out and vote, make a difference, be that one person who can make a change because only you can be the change you want to see.
“Be the change you want to see”
“And just when the caterpillar thought his life over…he turned into a beautiful butterfly”
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The Blessing in Disguise…. revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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