15 Nov Death is not our biggest fear
Death is not the biggest fear
Death is not the biggest fear we have, our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive, to live life to the fullest and express who we really are.
It seems like so many people fear death, or the unknown. Many religions scare you with “Hell” and how you will burn there if you don’t follow “their” rules.
It’s no wonder why so many people fear death.
I have had many losses in my life, I know that life is short and you never know when your time will be up.
Recently my church husband passed away suddenly, I had just spoken to him the day before. He was here today gone tomorrow, just like that.
He didn’t know that this would be his last birthday just two days before he passed. I wonder how many people would do things differently if they knew their time was about to end here on earth?
I know that I’ve never been afraid to die, when it’s my time to go I am ready. I am at peace with myself and how I lived my life. No, my fear was about living. I let fear rule my life, I was so afraid of stepping out, of trying new things that I literally killed my old self off.
I stayed stuck in an abusive marriage for 24 years because I was afraid of the unknown.
We need to know who we are, we need to take chances, and we need to change in order to grow. And some people are so stuck in the fear of the unknown that the prison that they are in is better than the outside world.
So let me ask you this, how would you live your life if you knew the end was near? Would you quit that job you hate? Would you leave that horrible relationship? Would you work less and play more? Would you spend more time with those you love?
So today my friends remember we are not giving a certain time here. We could have a really long life or we could be taken home tomorrow, we just don’t know when it’s our time to go. What we do know is that we will all be called home sooner or later so what you do, who you are, and how you choose to live your life is the legacy you leave behind.
Don’t be afraid of death, be afraid that you’re not living your best life now.
And as I always say at the end of every blog only you can be the change you want to see.