23 Jun How to embrace change
How to embrace change
For many of us change is a difficult thing. It is painful for many people. It’s always difficult to change because you are comfortable where you are.
You’re in your comfort zone, where you say I’m in control. You say you are okay at where you are at, even though you may be unhappy in the job, the relationship, but you stay because you are stuck there. You are scared to expand yourself, you are stuck by your own boundaries that you created. You live in fear, created by your own limitations.
Change pushes you outside of your comfort zone. God, the universe or whatever you believe in, will push you beyond your limits because you are afraid of change. My biggest blessings came from stepping outside my box. Stepping outside my fear.
Life is not about living it safe. It is about growing and changing. It is about learning something new each and every day. We are not the same as we were in our twenties. We change from year to year. In our thirties we are different and in the next decade we will also be different than we were the decade before.
We don’t dress the same, we don’t act the same, we don’t think the same because we are learning and changing, well.. hopefully we are. Because we all know someone who is stuck in a time zone, whether it’s in their style, their mindset or their lives. They are afraid of change and decided to stay right there where they felt the most comfortable. But that’s not what we are here for. That’s not what we are supposed to do.
So today my friends I will leave you with 7 ways for you to embrace change.
- Recognize that change is happening.
- Analyze it.
- Pray / meditate for instructions and directions.
- Monitor your attitude and emotions.
- Apply faith.
- Invest in change.
- Grow through them.
Like I say at the end of every blog, it’s up to you, only you can be the change you want to see.