29 Jun A sad day in America for women
A sad day in America for women
I am crying as I write this blog. This is a sad time in America for women.
On Friday Roe vs Wade was overturned and women’s rights are slowly being taken away.
What makes me so sad is not that this right was so easily taken away but what will come next. They even spoke as they took this right away, in the same breath taking away birth control, and the LGBTQ rights.
What rights will be next? Whose rights that we fought for and our forefathers fought for will be on the chopping board next?
It is a scary time we are living in, when we start taking away rights of one community, how fast or easy is it to take away others rights?
You may not be a woman, you may not be in the LGBTQ community, you may not be Black, it doesn’t matter, we all must stand up for all rights.
Because if we don’t, who will stand up for our rights when they come for us?
We must never forget even though they want to erase it from our history books, The slayings of Native Americans, black slavery or the Natzis and what they have done.
In Germany they started taking away rights little by little. No one spoke out because it wasn’t their rights so Hilter kept going before anyone one knew what was going on. He not only took away their rights, he took their homes, their businesses, their money and then their lives.
This is a very slippery slope we are going down and if we do not speak out now, this absolutely could happen to us. We could lose our rights to vote, to buy our own property, to speak against the government and don’t be too quick to say that can never happen. Oh really read your history books…oh wait sorry, if you live in Florida it’s not in them anymore.
See what I’m talking about? We have a history of taking away people’s rights, remember the Native Americans, or the Salem witch hunts, all happened because women were healing people or speaking out. What about slavery that went on for 100s of years right here in America. Only to get freed and still be treated like a non-human.
How about when we took hundreds of thousands of Japanese Americans and put them into camps right here in the good old USA for years during WWII?
We must never stop teaching our history, we must never forget what we have done as a nation so that we don’t make these mistakes again.
So today my friends, remember we still have some power left. Go out and vote! Run for office, speak out and loudly. Protest but never stop fighting for all rights not just your own because one day they will come for you and who will be left to speak up for you?
“Be the change you want to see”