04 May To have peace is priceless
To have peace is priceless It has taken me a long time to realize that peace and joy in life are worth more than riches. We live in a society that values things, the bigger the better.Hell, if you watch...
To have peace is priceless It has taken me a long time to realize that peace and joy in life are worth more than riches. We live in a society that values things, the bigger the better.Hell, if you watch...
Hometown friends There are no friends like the friends you grew up with, especially if you come from a small town where everyone knows everyone else.They started kindergarten with you, and some of them were your very first friends you...
Knowing when enough is enough I write a lot about resetting your life because a lot of times in life, we do stupid things. I'm the 1st to raise my hand on this. I do stupid things all the time,...
The lies we are teaching our children Yesterday, I wrote about some states trying to ban drag queens, and now this. Are these politicians trying to take everyone's rights away? Sure, as hell looks like it.A Florida textbook publisher removed...
Being open to learn new things I have learned a lot these last 12 years since my separation and divorce.I learned change is good, I learned what I will except in my life and what is an absolute deal breaker.I...
Prince Harry and the Royal family Growing up in the United States, every little girl's dream was to find her Prince charming to marry a prince.We were all glued to the TV looking at all the royal weddings wishing...
A different kind of therapyPart one. So if you know me or follow me you know that I'm a big believer that everyone could benefit from going to some sort of therapy. In my years of going to therapy or...
Growth and mourning Everyone talks about the beauty of growth. Yet the world shies away from the uncomfortable truth of mourning one's past self, relationships, routines, and conditions.No, Some things will never be the same but that is the blessing.Most...
The ultimate faithLet me ask you something and be truthful. When life gets you down, even if you're a believer, you sometimes give up hope. I know personally when I was 15 and I was raped, then my father...
My thoughts about Facebook In my life, I've had a lot of changes and because I write this blog everyone knows all about my life. I have to tell you some of the responses that people have said, have brought...