04 May To have peace is priceless
To have peace is priceless It has taken me a long time to realize that peace and joy in life are worth more than riches. We live in a society that values things, the bigger the better.Hell, if you watch...
To have peace is priceless It has taken me a long time to realize that peace and joy in life are worth more than riches. We live in a society that values things, the bigger the better.Hell, if you watch...
I wish I had, or I'm glad I didIn the end It comes down to two things I wish I had, or I'm glad I did. Life is a trip. We never know which way life is going to take...
Knowing when enough is enough I write a lot about resetting your life because a lot of times in life, we do stupid things. I'm the 1st to raise my hand on this. I do stupid things all the time,...
The lies we are teaching our children Yesterday, I wrote about some states trying to ban drag queens, and now this. Are these politicians trying to take everyone's rights away? Sure, as hell looks like it.A Florida textbook publisher removed...
The war against drag queens On Thursday last week, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed into law a bill restricting “adult cabaret performances” in public spaces, which includes “male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest.”A...
Growing as a writer So when I started this blog I did so because I thought there were other women out there that needed inspiration. I thought there had to be women in the same boat as me, women who...
Prince Harry and the Royal family Growing up in the United States, every little girl's dream was to find her Prince charming to marry a prince.We were all glued to the TV looking at all the royal weddings wishing...
A different kind of therapy, Part 2.Yesterday I wrote about a new type of therapy I learned about while watching this documentary on Netflix called Stutz in which Jonah Hill Interviews his therapist.Part 2 of this therapy goes on to...
Why would you gossip about others? I remember going to a party and it was amazing how some people like to gossip about others. The first thing they did was start whispering about this one and that one but I...
Never judge a book by its cover. This is such a true saying because as I watched Pamela Anderson's new documentary on Netflix, I realized that I was one of those people that judged a book by its cover. Maybe...